Key Features
iQ is a new generation of Navigator software offering unparalleled ease of use and creative flexibility. It is designed with an intuitive interface for optimized workflows while enhancing the deeper functionality of maximizing the creative potential of a live event. iQ’s intuitive interface includes real-time 2D/3D and tabular views that can be used with the epiQ console within the Navigator Platform.
iQ is the ideal software for theatres, cruise ships, universities, corporate and brand activations as well as temporary installations with line-sets, lifts and deck tracks. iQ is built upon over ten years of tried and tested stability, safety and scale within the Navigator system, and five years on its own. It has the ability to interface with hundreds of devices and protocols. iQ benefits from platform commissioning and powerful system wide rules, while providing entertainment operators and programmers with a simplified user experience.
Additional Features
Application Features
- Windows-based application fully integrated to epiQ console
- Secure login for each user
- Support for multiple users with multiple consoles on a single system
- Hold-To-Run support
- Ability to support multiple languages and measurement units
- Real-time monitoring of nodes, axes and other devices
- Responsive device views provide the right detail for the volume of
devices being viewed - Filter view of devices and status to see the right thing at the right time
- Support for linear and rotational axes, as well as axes groups
- Support for absolute, relative, and pose move types
- Operational and programming-based keyboard shortcuts to improve
workflow - Custom workspaces to support role-based workflows
- System-wide historical logs
- Integrated error reporting and support tools
- In-application help documentation
- Access to online and in-person training
Theater Features
- Use custom moves or jog unlimited axes from one or many channels
simultaneously within a console - Define acceleration, velocity, and deceleration to axis moves and axis
moves within cues - View axes in 3D visualization
- Structure cue lists with tools to organize acts, axes, and custom notes to
better inform the operator - Live feedback on motion between cues
- Auto-advance cues
- Provide options to fault on an error or continue to run within cues
- Allow programmers to do the following in cues:
- Move any axis in venue
- Trigger axes start, stop or change motion parameters mid-sequence
- Create variable wait or delay commands within cues
- Send operators custom messages
- Send commands to audio, lighting, and other video devices
- Convert precise axis moves made in a channel to the cue list, and vice-versa
- Record presets or “deads” and trim heights for axis moves
- Multi-target moves for axes within single or multiple channels and save
to cue - Easily revert axis moves to previous position
- Update cues before, during, or after a show
- Cut or disable axes or cues from show
- Control axes groups
- Zero an axis
Want To Learn More?
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hello can we puy the iQ
can we have price list
need a rigging consol and Qty 40 Drive can work with 7,5 kw with AC motor can you quote me
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