- Email or submit a ticket for any support inquiry
For urgent support issues, call us 24/7. Fees may apply:
- Click Here or email for Sales and Rental inquiries
- If your email request is urgent, put the word "emergency" in the subject, or reply to the email you receive with "#emergency"
Help Us Help You
- If you're emailing us, write out the observed behavior (i you're calling, be prepared to give this information verbally). What, exactly, are you seeing? Please include:
- Affected axes numbers and names
- Affected node numbers and names
- Query the actual error code
- List any affected I/O
- The next thing to report is the expected behavior. In other words, what do you think the system should do?
- What are the exact steps required to produce the issue? Could there be any environmental factors at play?
- Provide a detailed list of the things you tried to fix the issue.
- List any workarounds you found.
- If the issue is with an iQ or Navigator system, try to include a support bundle or issue collect. Barring that, include a full description of errors and alarms, including fault codes. For more, see How to Submit an iQ Support Bundle or Creating Issues in the Issue Collect Tool (ICT).
- Use screenshots and video generously!
Urgent requests or emergencies are imminent risks to safety or system integrity. Non-emergent requests that are submitted as urgent may be assessed a $500 fee.
Depending on your Support contract status, remote support may be billable. Our base rate for remote support is $210 per hour billable in 15 minute increments. For out-of-hours (8:00AM to 5:00PM for your Support office) remote support, our rate is $420 per hour, billable in 15 minute increments. Also, there is a $500 per instance fee for support requests out-of-hours calls. Please note that time spent working on an issue when not in direct contact (phone, email, etc.) is billable.
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