Nav GUI - Harmonize checkboxes and inherited states across several windows.
I would like to suggest that we look at harmonizing the checkboxes across some of the windows in Navigator.
Several windows in Nav make use of checkboxes to select if certain devices will be "included" or "excluded" from behaviours or logic.
My favourite use of checkboxes is in the Secure Device as it shows the selection clearly by using colors as well as the checkmark or cross.
Additionally, I like that it shows the inherited state by parent. I like to see the result of selections made higher up in the tree. The two column system is very helpful.
When comparing this with the checkboxes in the Device Message Log Window, I think that it would be more user friendly to see the selection in the checkbox using colors such as the secure device. Being able to show the two columns, one for "selected state" and "result" as the secure devices shows would be fantastic.
Lastly, a "Check All" and "Uncheck All" button, similar to what we see in Rules when working with Digital IO Commands would make large selections much easier to execute.
The Issue Collect window makes use of the colors, but it shows the inherited state visually as a red cube or green cube, while the parent is the one that shows the cross or checkmark. I like the colors, but I would like the crosses and checkmarks like the secure device. Having the two columns would help as well.
Screenshots below:
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