
Non Linear Axis Control via Data Lookup Table



  • Alex Panek


    This is a great idea!


  • Conor Durdock

    Wow, this would be such a great addition! Good work Jared.

  • Emily Talbott

    This is really cool! Especially love the detail around the helper cylinder transition I've received many a comment on that while onsite. 

  • Mike Rock

    Very cool. A couple questions -

    1. Would the lookup table have to get generated for each deployment of the lift to account for things like hose length, load and travel?

    2. How long does it take to generate the data for the look up table?

  • Jared McDonald

    Great questions, Mike.  I imagine there could be a starter file that has data already populated and the tuner would simply adjust things as needed?  I think we could have a clever interface that allows the end user to quickly make adjustments to the table.  

  • Alex Sperandio

    Super well thought out, Jared. I imagine we could have some helper functions in Nav that allow us to do things like adjust the number of reference points to allow for tighter precision especially on lifts that artists/performers have to ride on. Love this idea, hopefully the Nav team can figure out a way to implement this!

  • Mike Rock

    Great questions, Mike.  I imagine there could be a starter file that has data already populated and the tuner would simply adjust things as needed?  I think we could have a clever interface that allows the end user to quickly make adjustments to the table.  


    Being able to adjust the table easily onsite would be fantastic. The weight of props change, turntables get added to lifts and other outside factors can change a lifts behavior after being tuned in the shop. 

  • Dillon Leslie

    Brilliant idea, Jared!! I'd love to use something like this on a project loading out in the next couple of weeks with a bunch of hydraulics involved. Are there updates on when we could see this feature / options for beta testing? 

  • Karl Erickson

    Sounds like you want one of these splines per position range you define and the axis to interpolate nicely between them. 

  • Jared McDonald

    Karl Erickson precisely!  I've tested it with real lifts using the data above and it improves control tremendously in my opinion.  

