Position Gear Jog - Space Device
I'm working on a show where it would be beneficial to be able to jog an object in the space device with an absolute position gear jog. I have created an I/O joystick that gets its value and enable from an IO Sim. The joystick's Compatibility has Position Gear checked and the input type is Stick (Absolute)
When I use a Cue to assign the stick to the Object (Jog kind - Coordinate, Active-Default, Z-Position Gear-my homemade stick. The object jogs as I would expect if it were a relative jog. If the object is at 10' and I am sending a value of 5' to the stick the object moves to 15'.
If I assign my homemade stick to a sim axis I get the results I'd expect. If the sim axis is at 10' and I send a value of 5 to the stick the sim axis jogs to 5'
As a work around I tried to make a secound stick that compared the distance between the space object and the target and I was having an odd issue where the space device would get close but not reach the target.
I'm open to ideas or place to look for a hidden check box but I feel this may be a bug or a feature request.
Running 4.8 SP11b2
I agree with Mike here - as a broad rule of thumb, things should work the same for Space objects as they do for Axis devices.