Distinguish between Absolute & Relative Move
It would be super helpful if we could visually distinguish between selecting an absolute versus relative move in the Custom Move window. It is very easy to have one type of move accidentally selected and command motion to an improper location since the only thing that currently distinguishes between the moves is the text box.
Potential suggestions:
- Change the color of the background of the window depending on if "Absolute" or "Relative" is selected
- Change the color of the background of the "Direction" drop-down menu depending on "Absolute" or "Relative"
- Display a dialog box when attempting to command a relative move asking for confirmation
I like the idea of changing color depending on move type.
I do not support an extra confirmation for relative moves. Too often I end up doing small bumps and having to click an extra box each time would get annoying.
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Hello! Is there any updates on getting this feature rolled into Nav?
This would allow an operator to be more confident and add an extra layer of visual protection when commanding motion0